© Timo Sommer / Lee Maas

Hamburg's East

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Welcome to the East of Hamburg!

Or more precisely in Bergedorf, Wandsbek, Hammerbrook and Rothenburgsort! Hardly any other area is as varied as Hamburg's East. Here harbour cranes and industrial culture meet nature reserves, meadows and forests.

SHOPPING, EATING, DRINKING Discover restaurants & shops

Hamburg's east is becoming more and more an insider tip in Hamburg. Here you can discover big city flair as well as country life and shop, eat and drink as well.

© Hamburg Tourismus GmbH / Antje Forytta

Weltladen Bergedorf

Jewellery, clothing, coffee, bags and all kinds of other items from all over the world – and everything is ethically produced and fair-trade!

Weltladen Bergedorf

Weltladen Bergedorf

Sachsentor 69
21029 Hamburg

© Pixabay / Rawpixel


  • Restaurant
  • Vegetarian
  • Mexican
  • Vegan
  • International

Xodo heißt auf portugiesisch Liebling und der Name ist Programm: Leckeres Lieblingsspeisen aus Südamerika tummeln sich auf der Speisekarte. Ob knusprige Maniok-Chips mit Chili, fruchtig-pikante Salate, herzhafte Suppen und Eintöpfe, ob vegan oder fleischlastig - hier ist für jeden Geschmack ein Liebling dabei.



Papenhuder Straße 26
22087 Hamburg

© Zollenspieker Fährhaus

Zollenspieker Fährhaus

  • Restaurant
  • Gourmet
  • €€€

The listed traditional Zollenspieker Fährhaus lies on the southeastern-most point of Hamburg.

Zollenspieker Fährhaus

Zollenspieker Fährhaus

Zollenspieker Hauptdeich 141
21037 Hamburg

© Second Emma

“Second Emma” After-Work Women’s Flea Market

The “Second Emma” After-Work Women’s Flea Market in Hamburg Bergedorf is the place for women to go to find their new sartorial favourites.

“Second Emma” After-Work Women’s Flea Market

"Second Emma" After-Work Mädels-Flohmarkt

Oberer Landweg 27
21033 Hamburg

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With its 40 inhabitants, Neuwerk is Hamburg’s northernmost area. It is located in the Hamburg Wadden Sea at the mouth of the Elbe, about 100 kilometres from the Hamburg city hall. There is always a breeze blowing on Neuwerk and you can enjoy a wide view over the sea.

Neuwerk Island
© Lee Maas / Timo Sommer

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Blankenese & Elbe outskirts

The former fishing and seamen's village of Blankenese is situated directly on the Elbe. It is the perfect starting point for hopping on a sailing boat or on the Elbe ferry, or for taking long walks along the shore. Another highlight is a visit to the Treppenviertel (German for staircase quartier) with a spectacular view of the lighthouse and the Falkenstein shore.

Blankenese & Elbe outskirts
© Lee Mass / Timo Sommer

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Wilhelmsburg & Veddel

The Elbe Island of Wilhelmsburg is embedded between the southern and northern Elbe. It impresses visitors with a mixture of industrial charm and bustling life with multicultural flair. With its historic buildings, cafés and shops, the Wilhelmsburg Reiherstieg area is especially popular. It is even called "Little Berlin" due to its transformation in recent years. And then there is the neighbouring island of Veddel, which also has much to offer.

Wilhelmsburg & Veddel

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