Alster swans

© / Jörg Modrow
© / Christian Spahrbier

These majestic waterfowl adorn the Binnen- and Außenalster as living symbols of the city.

The Alster swans are Hamburg’s living emblem and adorn the Binnen- and Außenalster. The close relationship to these majestic birds has a long tradition. From 1664 on, it was even forbidden to “insult”, injure, or kill them. Today, the white birds are considered to be the messengers of spring when they return to the Alster from their winter quarters.

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More on this subject

© / Jörg Modrow

The swans are back Living landmarks return to Hamburg's Alster

It comes around every year: the calendar shows the first day of spring. But the process isn't complete until the Alster swans return from their winter quarters. Spring doesn't 't really start in Hamburg until the banks of its canals and waterways are alive with the city's living historical landmarks.

Living landmarks return to Hamburg's Alster
© Geheimtipp Hamburg

CITY AREA PORTRAIT All around the Alster

There is much to do around the Alster, one of the must-sees in our beautiful harbour city – Gründerzeit quarters and exclusive residential areas delight fans of architecture, joggers and cyclists. Many individual shops, cafés and restaurants invite visitors to linger. For a workout, for relaxation or just to take a stroll – the Alster is always a pleasant experience!

All around the Alster

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In addition to the harbour, the Alster forms the maritime face of the city of Hamburg. The Alster, divided in to Binnenalster and Außenalster by the Lombardsbrücke, is a meeting point and attraction for tourists and Hamburgers alike.

© ThisIsJulia Photography

Alster Fountain

Hamburg's landmark in the middle of the Binnenalster

Alster Fountain

Oasis in the city. Außenalster

The Alster divides into the Binnen- and Außenalster at the Lombardsbrücke bridge. The Außenalster in particular offers excellent recreational opportunities with its numerous parks and adjacent sports facilities. The banks of the Alster in Harvestehude, Uhlenhorst and Winterhude are the preferred living quarters of the wealthy Hamburg residents.


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