Berenberg-Gossler-Haus Bürgerhaus für Niendorf e. V.

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© Bürgerhaus.niendorf
© Bürgerhaus.niendorf
© Bürgerhaus.niendorf
© Bürgerhaus.niendorf

Since 1997, the Berenberg-Gossler-Haus, Bürgerhaus für Niendorf e. V., has been a volunteer-run district cultural center. In the heart of Niendorf, people of all ages, genders and cultures meet. Art exhibitions, classical music evenings, open-air events and much more are offered.

History of of the district cultural center

The Bürgerhaus Niendorf has been registered as a non-profit association for over 25 years and has now grown to around 580 members. In memory of the founder of the house, Count Berenberg-Gossler, it was given the name: "Berenberg-Gossler-Haus". Many Niendorf residents know the 100-year-old building from their childhood, when it housed the "Warteschule (kindergarten)" before it became the cultural and meeting place of the Hamburg district of Niendorf in 1997. This marked the birth of the building as a district cultural center.


Numerous events and courses take place in the community center. The range of events is extensive: Rock & Folk "Open Air", classical music concerts to chansons to folklore, choir concerts, theater, cabaret, readings, magic, slide or film presentations, Low German evenings or art exhibitions with associated vernissages. The highlight of the year is the summer festival, which takes place under the trees in the garden of the community center. In addition, children's vacation events and regular game groups (Skat, Bridge and others) are offered. Together with the University of Music and Theatre, the chamber music series "TonArt" was established. The concerts with young artists enjoy great popularity.

The "Info-Café"

The InfoCafé in the community center serves as a meeting place for members, course participants and guests. A cozy place where you can chat and relax with delicious homemade cake, coffee or other drinks. Tickets for events can also be purchased here. The café as well as the other rooms of the Bürgerhaus can be rented for private events.

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