Alstertal Einkaufszentrum (AEZ)

© Johannes Beschoner
© Johannes Beschoner

The 240 shops in the Alstertal Einkaufszentrum offer everything from clothes, accessories and jewellery all the way to gastronomy.

This temple of consumption, with 59,000 square metres, is covered by a long glass dome that keeps visitors warm in the winter but still lets the daylight in.
240 shops offer everything from clothing, accessories and jewellery all the way to gastronomy – including internationally known fashion brands and boutiques such as Aigner, Lacoste, Hollister, Peek & Cloppenburg, Strenesse Blue or even Wolford and Zara as well as in-spots like Starbucks or Gosch Sylt.

Hamburg CARD

Free travel on buses, trains and harbour ferries (HVV) and up to 50% discount on over 150 tourist offers

Hamburg CARD

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© Timo Sommer / Lee Maas


Hamburg North is a wonderful place to live. The city centre can be reached in no time, and there is plenty of nature nearby. Everything goes at a slightly slower pace here. But there are still many things to see and do.

Hamburg North

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Luxury Shopping Kaisergalerie

The latest shopping arcade in Hamburg is also one of the most architecturally attractive shopping arcades in northern Germany.

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Mojo Store

Hamburg has style, Hamburg has Mojo: in the trend-store at Schanze the young generation of Hamburg not only finds their answers to the current streetwear trends but also a place to chill out and drink a beer in the afternoon sun!

Mojo Store
© ThisIsJulia Photography

Alsterhaus Hamburg

The Alsterhaus is certainly Hamburg’s most well-known department store along the Alster. Luxury goods of all types can be found on five floors.

Alsterhaus Hamburg

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