© Lee Maas, Timo Sommer


Seasonal and full of imagination

It is easy to tune out in the cosily furnished restaurant at the heart of Eppendorf.

The open fireplace in the adjoining room at “Küchenfreunde” creates a warm, comfortable ambience, and wonderful rays of sunshine, which may be rare in Hamburg, can be enjoyed on the large terrace. “Küchenfreunde” love good food of the best quality. This is clear from the first glance at the menu (seasonal dishes can also be found next to the fixed dishes): Ragout of grass-fed cattle, caramelised parsnips, warm Topfenknödel (curd cheese dumplings) – there is nothing left to add. Off to Küchenfreunde.

from 11.90 €

Hamburg CARD

Free travel on buses, trains and harbour ferries (HVV) and up to 50% discount on over 150 tourist offers

Short & Sweet

  • CategoryRestaurant
  • Type of cuisineGerman cuisine, International
  • Price€€
  • Ambiencecosy
  • Servicevaries daily

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© Matthias Pens Fotografie

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Eimsbüttel & Eppendorf

Here, one can find magnificent old building façades, local and exquisite restaurants as well as fancy boutiques and owner-operated shops. While Eppendorf is rather fancy, one can feel the hanseatic serenity in Eimsbüttel. Both districts offer much green and water and are hence with good reason very popular neighbourhoods in Hamburg.

Eimsbüttel & Eppendorf

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Enjoying fair Weltcafé ElbFaire

Not only the Café, but also the ElbFaire Shop offer many pleasures that make life beautiful: vegan and vegetarian delicacies made from high-quality regional ingredients, as well as the finest fair-trade coffees, wines and chocolates for you to take home.

Weltcafé ElbFaire
© Geheimtipp Hamburg

Entenwerder 1

Close to the Elbebridge there is a hotspot that became an integral part in the Café scene of Hamburg. Located on a pontoon the Café Entenwerder 1 is a place for water and peace seekers.

Entenwerder 1
© Geheimtipp Hamburg

Leche de Tigre

Hamburg's cuisine is becoming as diverse as its citizens, who are forming the special character of the city. At Leche de Tigre northern gourmets will find an exotic interpretation of maritime delicacies and many more exiting delights from Peru.

Leche de Tigre

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