© ThisIsJulia Photography
© SDW Hamburg
© ThisIsJulia Photography

Science Center Wald im Wälderhaus

The WÄLDERHAUS at the Wilhelmsburger Inselpark in Hamburg is completely dedicated to the topic "Forest and Wood". Around 80 stations provide exciting explanations of how the forest influences the ecological system of our planet.

The Wälderhaus in Hamburg illustrates the topic and connections of forest, environment and sustainability in a completely new, impressive and fascinating way .
With its Wälderhaus project, the Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald (German Forest Conservation Association) combines the programmatic challenge of thinking and integrating forest and sustainability directly into urban space.

At the Wälderhaus, visitors can discover the smallest living creatures in the forest floor and accompany the forest animals on their way into the city. At the heart of the Forest House is the Forest Science Center, where everything worth knowing about the forest ecosystem and urban nature is conveyed. On 600 square metres, over two floors and at around 80 exploration and microscopy stations, the abundance of aspects of the forest can be experienced.
"What is forest"? The Science Center Wald answers these and other questions about our domestic forests. In the Science Center, visitors can immerse themselves in the wonderful world of the forest and let themselves be surprised by its diversity and diversity. Exciting film screenings in the Kobelkino and the forest laboratory with 200 species of wood from all over the world round off the exhibition.
The Science Center Wald is aimed at adults, families, professional groups and school classes. We have developed a varied programme of events especially for schools.

Sustainable experience

The Wälderhaus, is absolutely eye-catching. The building, which is built entirely of solid wood, has an ‘inhabited’ larch wood facade. Various species of birds and insects live in the many nesting plants found here. The green roof also provides habitat for plants and animals. It also combines a hotel, the Wilhelms restaurant and sustainable conference rooms in the Forest Forum under its green roof.

from 11.90 €

Hamburg CARD

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More on this subject

© Lee Mass / Timo Sommer

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Wilhelmsburg & Veddel

The Elbe Island of Wilhelmsburg is embedded between the southern and northern Elbe. It impresses visitors with a mixture of industrial charm and bustling life with multicultural flair. With its historic buildings, cafés and shops, the Wilhelmsburg Reiherstieg area is especially popular. It is even called "Little Berlin" due to its transformation in recent years. And then there is the neighbouring island of Veddel, which also has much to offer.

Wilhelmsburg & Veddel

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© ThisIsJulia Photography

The main church at Klosterstern. St. Nikolai

St. Nikolai - the name represents an extremely changeful church history. The principal church of St. Nikolai was built during the time of the settlement of the new city in the 12th century, and by 1353 had been extended to become a triple naved basilica in the Gothic style - it was then completely destroyed in the Great Fire of Hamburg in 1842.

St. Nikolai
© ThisIsJulia Photography

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© ThisIsJulia Photography

St. Petri

Hamburg's oldest existing church is located directly in the current shopping district on Mönckebergstrasse, and it is named after the apostle and martyr Peter, who is depicted with a key as the "gatekeeper of heaven".

St. Petri

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