Bambi Galore Live music venue in Billstedt

A formative pillar in the cultural life of Hamburg's east.

The Kulturpalast in Billstedt is not only the hub of cultural life in and around Billstedt, but also home to outstanding and city-wide appreciated projects such as the Hip Hop Academy. The Kulturpalast Billstedt is not only a district cultural center with theater programs, cabaret, integration projects and communication offers, but also a live club. With a sophisticated program ranging from classical music to metal, everything is on offer. A good reason to pay a visit to the east of Hamburg.

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Welcome to Bergedorf, Wandsbek, Hammerbrook and Rothenburgsort! Here, the harbour cranes and industrial culture in Rothenburgsort and Hammerbrook meet nature protection areas, meadows and woods on the border with Schleswig-Holstein.

Hamburg East

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