Baalsaal Where star DJs and newcomers rock the floor

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One of the hottest dance clubs in Hamburg can be found on the Reeperbahn.

House and techno dominate the sounds at Baalsaal, but all other kinds of electronic music are also represented here. The huge sound system also attracts DJs to the rostrum who are used to bigger dancefloors. Which does not mean that there aren't any promising newcomers on the decks. Early birds be warned: Nothing much happens before 1am.

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© ThisIsJulia Photography

CITY AREA PORTRAIT St. Pauli, the Harbour & the Reeperbahn

At Hamburg’s city coast, the Elbe and the harbour, you can just sit down and watch as ships, ferries and tugs pass by and enjoy the strong sea breeze. A few hundred meters away you can experience Hamburg’s world-famous “sinful mile” – the Reeperbahn.

St. Pauli, the Harbour & the Reeperbahn

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Herzblut St. Pauli
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The "heaven's nest" is located on the roof of the clouds restaurant, right at the beginning of the Reeperbahn. It offers a spacious lounge with sun loungers, tasteful furnishings and a champagne bar.

Clouds & heaven's nest
© William Iven on Pixabay

Jazz for connoisseurs Birdland Hamburg

Musically sophisticated and extraordinary - this is how the Birdland Hamburg Jazz Club presents itself in Gärtnerstraße.

Birdland Hamburg

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