Aktion Buch e.V. - Mundsburg Center

Anyone who wants to buy inexpensive books and simultaneously do a good work should visit the stores of the non-profit Association Aktion Buch e.V.

Among other things, second-hand books can be purchased starting at two euros at this location on the first floor of the Mundsburg Center, to the left of the cinema. All of the proceeds go to non-profit organizations in northern Germany.

Hamburg CARD

Free travel on buses, trains and harbour ferries (HVV) and up to 50% discount on over 150 tourist offers

Hamburg CARD

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© Geheimtipp Hamburg

CITY AREA PORTRAIT All around the Alster

There is much to do around the Alster, one of the must-sees in our beautiful harbour city – Gründerzeit quarters and exclusive residential areas delight fans of architecture, joggers and cyclists. Many individual shops, cafés and restaurants invite visitors to linger. For a workout, for relaxation or just to take a stroll – the Alster is always a pleasant experience!

All around the Alster

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The Mönckebergstraße is probably the most famous and most frequented shopping boulevard in Hamburg.

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Mojo Store

Hamburg has style, Hamburg has Mojo: in the trend-store at Schanze the young generation of Hamburg not only finds their answers to the current streetwear trends but also a place to chill out and drink a beer in the afternoon sun!

Mojo Store
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Kauf Dich Glücklich

Kauf Dich Glücklich in Hamburg's Schanzenviertel offers great fashion without frills and with good value for money.

Kauf Dich Glücklich

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