Aal together

© Hamburg Tourismus GmbH / Vivien Hahn
© Hamburg Tourismus GmbH / Vivien Hahn

Some of Hamburg's creative minds sell their handmade masterpieces at Aal together.

Here, designers put their hearts and souls into creating all kinds of items from both old and new materials to make life more beautiful – everything from handknitted garments, printed materials and bags to purses and hula-hoops right through to affectionately designed crockery and postcards. The newest creations are displayed in the showroom.

Hamburg CARD

Free travel on buses, trains and harbour ferries (HVV) and up to 50% discount on over 150 tourist offers

Hamburg CARD

More on this subject

© ThisIsJulia Photography

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Altona & Ottensen

For strolling, having a coffee, taking a walk or having some delicious food – situated directly at the Elbe and traversed by parks, Altona & Ottensen are considered to be charming and diverse districts with character. Brick walls create a rather rough atmosphere in Altona, while it is lively and colourful in Ottensen.

Altona & Ottensen

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© ThisIsJulia Photography


Around the Gänsemarkt in Hamburg there are many shopping malls with boutiques, restaurants and cafés. Everybody will find something here.

© Timo Sommer, Lee Maas

Kaufhaus Hamburg

In the Kaufhaus Hamburg with its large assortment of unique and local products you will always find the adequate idea for a gift or your favorite souvenir.

Kaufhaus Hamburg
© T. Schreiber


Hessnatur offers high quality, non-toxic and fair produced fashion directly in Hamburg's city centre.


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