"Die Pfefferkörner" is a popular children's crime series from NDR. It has been produced by the Studio Hamburg subsidiary LETTERBOX FILMPRODUKTION since 1999 and now comprises 15 seasons with 195 episodes. The episodes deal with big and small crimes, which deal with current topics like cyber bullying, justice, friendship and first love.
The Speicherstadt - the starting point of all investigations
The Speicherstadt is the hub of the children's crime series "Die Pfefferkörner". This is the headquarters of the various investigators between the ages of 7 and 12. The headquarters of the Pfefferkörner, the spice warehouse Overbeck & Consorten and the Teekontor Krogmann are located here.
Teekontor "Krogmann"
At first glance, the "Krogmann" tea branch looks like a typical warehouse building in the Speicherstadt - but far from it! Lovingly called "Wasserschloss" by the people of Hamburg, as it lies in the middle of two watercourses of the Elbe, it was the backdrop for the Pfefferkörner for several years. However, the moated castle was never a real tea branch, and the lettering was added especially for the series.
Headquarters in the Speicherhaus complex
Since the ninth season, the headquarters of the Pfefferkörner has been located in the house at Brooktorkai 15. The Teekontor film set has also been moved here to save time and money during shooting. The attic of the old storage building serves as a centre for investigating peppercorns, a quiet place to do homework or even as a secret place for the first date.
Fleetschlösschen - A real all-rounder
Customs building, fire station, café and restaurant as well as filming location for the Pfefferkörner. The Fleetschlösschen in the Speicherstadt has already performed all these functions in its more than 200-year history. From today's café, visitors can watch the hustle and bustle in Hafencity with delicious snacks and drinks.
Davidwache - Support from the Reeperbahn
On the Reeperbahn there are many dodgy figures floating around. So it's no wonder that also the Pfefferkörner pass by here during their investigations. They are often supported by the adult investigators of the Davidwache, probably the most famous police station in Germany on the Reeperbahn.
Grandma Lenis snack car at the end of the old Elbe tunnel
At a depth of 24 metres and over a length of 426.5 metres, the Alte Elbtunnel runs once under the Elbe between the St. Pauli Landungsbrücken and Steinwerder. At the time of construction in the early 20th century, this was a sensation. In the children's series, Grandma Leni's snack car is on the Steinwerder side and thus at the end of the Elbe tunnel.