Anleger Op'n Bulln Ferry pier in Blankenese

© Mediaserver Hamburg / Lisa Knauer
© Karsten Bergmann auf Pixabay

The ferry pier Op’n Bulln in Blankenese offers a fantastic view of the Elbe and thus of the huge ocean liners that pass by the dock.

Whether in summer or winter, on the Ponton op'n Bulln you have an unobstructed, fantastic view of the Elbe. You can also enjoy delicious food and drinks in an unbeatable atmosphere.

Hamburg CARD

Free travel on buses, trains and harbour ferries (HVV) and up to 50% discount on over 150 tourist offers

Hamburg CARD

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© Lee Maas / Timo Sommer

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Blankenese & Elbe outskirts

The former fishing and seamen's village of Blankenese is situated directly on the Elbe. It is the perfect starting point for hopping on a sailing boat or on the Elbe ferry, or for taking long walks along the shore. Another highlight is a visit to the Treppenviertel (German for staircase quartier) with a spectacular view of the lighthouse and the Falkenstein shore.

Blankenese & Elbe outskirts

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© ThisIsJulia Photography

Fish auction hall

The FISH AUCTION HALL was built in 1894 and is the impressive centre of the traditional Fish Market.

Fish auction hall
© Lars Meinel –


In addition to the harbour, the Alster forms the maritime face of the city of Hamburg. The Alster, divided in to Binnenalster and Außenalster by the Lombardsbrücke, is a meeting point and attraction for tourists and Hamburgers alike.

© ThisIsJulia Photography

Sundays 5 to 9 am Fish Market

Every Sunday morning since 1703 Hamburg's most traditional market has been trading in just about anything and everything that isn't nailed down.

Fish Market

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