© UHH/Plessing, Scheiblich
© UHH/Plessing, Scheiblich
© UHH/Plessing, Scheiblich

University Museum Hamburg

The University Museum Hamburg presents more than 300 exhibits from the history of science in Hamburg. The exhibition offers exciting insights into one hundred years of teaching and research activities as well as educational development at the university.

More on this subject

© Matthias Pens Fotografie

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Eimsbüttel & Eppendorf

Here, one can find magnificent old building façades, local and exquisite restaurants as well as fancy boutiques and owner-operated shops. While Eppendorf is rather fancy, one can feel the hanseatic serenity in Eimsbüttel. Both districts offer much green and water and are hence with good reason very popular neighbourhoods in Hamburg.

Eimsbüttel & Eppendorf

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© Freilichtmuseum am Kiekeberg

History is alive with us! Kiekeberg Living History Museum

The open-air museum is located in the Schwarze Berge in Kiekeberg on a 12-hectare outdoor area with more than 40 historic buildings that tell the story of the culture and way of life in the Winsener Marsch and the northern Lüneburg Heath.

Kiekeberg Living History Museum
© MARKK / Paul Schirmweg

MARKK Hamburg Museum am Rothenbaum - Kulturen und Künste der Welt

The Museum am Rothenbaum, Kulturen und Künste der Welt (MARKK) preserves the cultural and artistic wealth of humanity.

Museum am Rothenbaum - Kulturen und Künste der Welt
© ThisIsJulia Photography

A piece of the hamburg harbour panorama Cap San Diego

The White Swan of the South Atlantic - The "Cap San Diego" was built in 1961 as a cargo ship and has been a museum ship with a fixed berth at the Überseebrücke in Hamburg since 1986.

Cap San Diego

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