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Flexible rebooking or cancellation

Travel comfortably and flexibly with our free cancellation policy at Hamburg Tourismus

With Hamburg Tourismus as your travel partner you are always well advised. We are the experts for our city of Hamburg and offer you flexibility, quality and excellent service.
Travel with us and spend an unforgettable holiday in the hanseatic city. That's why. Hamburg.

Flexible on the move

With the Flex Option you can easily rebook or cancel free of charge up to 7 days before arrival (except for booked musical and theatre tickets that are not part of the travel package) - with a money-back guarantee. In this way, we ensure the greatest possible security and flexibility in your travel planning. Benefit from all the advantages of a tour operator - from travel insurance to 100% insolvency protection.
With us you remain flexible and secure!

Best service

Service is our top priority. We provide everything from one source. Our Hamburg professionals are there for you personally and will assist you in planning and booking your trip. On site, our team at the Tourist Information Offices is there to meet your individual needs. We are also happy to provide you with comprehensive advice online and by telephone. Thanks to our high quality standards and careful selection of partners, you are in the best hands.
We are here for you!

Trusted Shops Guarantee

We are certified as a tour operator by Trusted Shops. The seal of approval stands for data security, consumer protection and customer service and is awarded by an independent institution. We therefore fulfil the criteria for a secure and trustworthy booking. With Trusted Shops, you can rate your booking with us and benefit from the experiences of other customers. This way you are well protected.

Free app

The app "Hamburg Erleben und Sparen" is your mobile travel companion. The application is completely free of charge and provides you with extensive tips and information. Fascinating sights, exciting attractions and a comprehensive art and cultural landscape. Hamburg has many sides that want to be discovered. With the app, you have a digital travel guide, city map and event guide in your pocket at once and can see all Hamburg CARD discounts at a glance. Download the app now and make your stay in Hamburg a unique experience!

Our recommendation Carefree travel packages to Hamburg

Plan your city trip flexibly: With the Flex Option you can easily rebook or cancel free of charge up to 7 days before arrival. Choose now from our attractive all-round carefree offers and book them quickly and easily online. If you have any questions about your Hamburg trip, our team of experts will be happy to help you plan it.

© Andreas Vallbracht

Tourist Information and Service Centre

Do you need assistance with booking or would you like further advice? We are here for you online, by phone and on site. We offer you a wide range of everything to make your visit to the Hanseatic city even more enjoyable: tickets for events, musicals and shows, the Hamburg CARD, Hamburg information, brochures, sightseeing tours and more.

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