Package: InterCityExpress to the Miniatur Wunderland

  • overnight stay in hotel, with breakfast with all hygiene standards
  • Return journey with Deutsche Bahn including seat reservation depends on availibility
  • Flexible and relaxed with the VIP ticket to the Miniatur Wunderland (no queing)
Package: InterCityExpress to the Miniatur Wunderland
To offer
from 179.00
Book now 12 months in advance

family highlight

Miniatur Wunderland at its best

  • overnight stay in the hotel of your choice, with breakfast
  • VIP entry to Miniatur Wunderland (no queuing)
  • Hamburg CARD (3 Days) – ticket worth 33.50€
Miniatur Wunderland at its best
Zum Angebot
ab 81.60
Very good
Marko L., Hannover, Germany

„The Miniatur Wunderland is a must on any visit to Hamburg. And at Hamburg Tourism you get the complete package including travel and accommodation at a top price! ”

Tanja N., Berlin, Germany

„We already visited the Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg a few years ago, but a visit is always worthwhile, as there is something new to discover almost every day. ”

Rolf W., Bern, Switzerland

„The Miniatur Wunderland travel package from Hamburg Tourismus was perfect for my wife and me. It combines overnight stay and admission to the exhibition. Fast delivery and great price! ”

© Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg
© Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg
© Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg
© Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg

The Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg

The Miniatur Wunderland is the largest model railway in the world and Hamburg's No. 1 tourist attraction. More than 16 million visitors from all over the world have already seen a superlative miniature world in Hamburg's Speicherstadt. A unique miniature masterpiece was created on an area of 1,499 square metres in around 795,000 working hours, and it continues to grow. In addition to its sophisticated technology, it impresses above all with its richness of detail. Over 265,000 figures were lovingly staged, cars and ships move through the landscapes, and even airplanes take off from Knuffingen Airport every minute. Since February 2018 the new section "Venice" can be visited. The Wunderland is a breathtaking miniature cosmos that cannot be seen anywhere else in the world.

A dream that came true

But it is not only the creation of its own world that makes the Miniatur Wunderland so unique. The impressive landscapes hide unprecedented high-tech in model making. For example, 389,000 LEDs, which switch on and off dynamically, paired with a specially developed lighting control system for an almost perfect day and night simulation and 280 computer-controlled cars for large eyes or more than 200 push-button actions for interaction between visitors and the wonderlands.

© Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg
© Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg
© Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg
© Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg
© Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg

The story - It all started in July 2000

The Miniatur Wunderland was founded together with her father Jochen Braun and her long-time partner Stephan Hertz. The choice of location fell on the Speicherstadt, at that time still separated from the rest of the city by a customs fence. The original concept envisaged that the plant would be built and maintained by 20 employees and that 100,000 visitors would visit the exhibition every year. However, 20 employees had grown to 40 by the time it opened on 16 August 2001. The 100,000 visitors dreamed of in the first year also grew to 300,000. The starting shot for a fairy tale. In December 2016, the Miniatur Wunderland already had 15 million visitors. And there is no holding.

The future - There are more than 190 countries in the world, only nine in Wunderland so far.

The Future - There are more than 190 countries in the world that would probably take a good 250 years and a lot of space to replicate all the countries on earth. At the moment, expansion planning is nearing completion. If all goes well, about 3,000 square metres of new space on the other side of the canal will soon be added. A bridge will connect it to the rest of the exhibition for visitors and trains. The sections Venice, Monaco, Great Britain and France are specifically planned. Then parts of Africa or Asia could follow.

Location & Directions

The Miniatur Wunderland in the Speicherstadt Hamburg is the must-see for all railway enthusiasts, world-deckers, families and every other visitor to Hamburg!

Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg

Kehrwieder 2 / Block D
20457 Hamburg

Travel options

For the perfect journey

Your experience begins with your arrival: The Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg is located in the heart of the historic Speicherstadt and can be easily reached by public transport. If you bring a little time with you, we recommend that you come on foot. The city centre, town hall and Alster are just 15 minutes away. It is also not far from the Landungsbrücken. With a fantastic view of the Elbphilharmonie, you walk about 20 minutes directly along the Elbe.

  • By public transport / HVV Baumwall (U3, approx. 6 minutes walk); Messberg (U1, approx. 13 minutes walk); Überseequartier (U4, approx. 12 minutes walk); Stadthausbrücke (S1 and S3, approx. 11 minutes walk); Speicherstadt - Auf dem Sande (bus line 6, approx. 1 minute walk); Am Sandtorkai (bus line 111, approx. 2 minutes walk)
  • By car There are 44 parking spaces for visitors directly in front of the Miniatur Wunderland. Due to the large crowd we recommend the following car parks in the area: car park Am Sandtorkai (Am Sandtorkai 6-8, Mon-Sun 6.00-22.00 h); car park Rödingsmarkt (Rödingsmarkt 14, Mon-Fri 7.00-23.00 h, Sat 7.00-21.00 h); car park Hafentor (between Landungsbrücken und Baumwall, Johannisbollwerk 20); Parkhaus Überseequartier (Überseeallee 3, Mon-Sun 0.00-24.00); Parkhaus Michel-Garage (Schaarmarkt, Mon-Fr 7.00-1.00, Sa+So 9.30-01.00); Parkhaus Katherinenkirche (Neue Gröningerstraße 12, Mon-Fr 7.00-21.00); Underground car park Herrengraben (Hotel Madison, Mon-Sun 0.00-24.00); Hotel Madison, Mo-Sun 0.00-24.00
  • StadtRAD & Car-Sharing In Hamburg you can now move perfectly without your own car. You can rent cars, scooters or bicycles at every corner. We recommend the StadtRAD when the weather is fine. There are 148 rental stations throughout Hamburg. Otherwise there is with ShareNow a big carsharing provider in Hamburg.

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