Superfreunde Brewery in Hamburg

© Gerrie van der Walt on Unsplash

Superfreunde is a young beer brand that has already made a name for itself in the Hamburg beer scene. Besides beer, Superfreunde stands for lifestyle, fashion and design.

Beer as a symbol of friendship and cohesion, beer as a lifestyle - that's what Superfreunde stand for. 

The beginnings of the Superfreunde

The story of the Beer-Brand Superfreunde began as an adventure. The love for beer and friendship motivated the founders of the Superfreunde to take the step into the beer scene as career changers. With success. Since March 2019, the Superfreunde Store not far from the Sternschanze has enjoyed great popularity with year-round and seasonal Superfreunde beers and selected products from friendly breweries.

More than beer

Superfreunde celebrate beer according to all rules of the art of brewing. For the production of the beers only high-quality raw materials are used. The monitoring of all production steps has the highest priority. However, the Beer-Brand is more than just a brewery. The brand stands for lifestyle, design and fashion. In addition to home-brewed beer, you can also buy casual 

More on this subject

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CITY AREA PORTRAIT St. Pauli, the Harbour & the Reeperbahn

At Hamburg’s city coast, the Elbe and the harbour, you can just sit down and watch as ships, ferries and tugs pass by and enjoy the strong sea breeze. A few hundred meters away you can experience Hamburg’s world-famous “sinful mile” – the Reeperbahn.

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Mojo Store

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